7 Reasons To Try A Low Carb Diet

Seven reasons to give low carb a go for your mental health For people with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, psychotic disorders, bulimia, dementia, or other psychiatric disorders who prefer not to take medication, don’t improve with medication, can’t tolerate or, only partially benefit from medication, or have bothersome side effects from medication, trying a simple, low-carbohydrate diet is worth a go. This […]
Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Sugar, Keto and Fasting

Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Sugar, Keto and Fasting Type 2 Diabetes & Insulin Type 2 diabetes can be summed up as too much sugar in the body, rather than just blood sugar that’s too high. This happens USUALLY by consuming too much sugar and carbohydrates too often and this ends up with the […]
Why banning eating on public transport is a good idea – Hunger Fear

In the media this week there is a buzz around banning eating on public transport. This will upset some people but there are lots of benefits to cutting down on how often we eat and hunger is not dangerous! We are socially conditioned to fear hunger, told fasting is dangerous and we have been told […]
Nuts and Diet Fails

Nuts and Diet Fails Nuts are one of those mixed bag foods that have benefits, BUT for some people can be a nightmare, particularly if on a diet. Firstly from lots of personal experience with fasting and keto diets, I have found that nuts for me are a problem as I eat the whole bag […]