Parkinson’s Disease Neuro Exercises

Ive worked a lot with people with Parkinson’s disease, or more correctly those who have Parkinsonian symptoms. So, Ive learned heaps from just working with people, studying neurology, asking questions as well as trying stuff out. So due to the amount of information this will cover two blogs. I’m going to make my work into […]
Christmas group hypnosis session

Christmas group hypnosis session Relax for christmas and festive season. Christmas is a time to be merry, but for some its a particularly stressful time of year, so any form of relaxation is beneficial. Many people find that over-eating or drinking is an issue at this time of year, hypnosis is a great way to […]
Workshop in January 2016 on Right and Left Brain

The right and left cortex Moving on from the cerebellum into a practical workshop on the right and left sides of the brain. Interestingly, the two cortices are separated by the corpus callosum and are structurally and physiologically different from each other. An interesting brain fact; “All sensory or movement input is processed on the […]
In Vegas ready for my talk on the ‘Secrets of the Cerebellum’

Im very excited to be in Las Vegas getting ready to do my workshop on secrets of the cerebellum. This is a photo at the top of the stratosphere hotel. Its about 10pm USA time, so about 4am UK time, just the time I normally climb 900ft up a building! So why train the […]
My book will be ready in 2015

I’m currently writing my book on pain, neuroscience and metabolism, which sounds very technical and scientific, but its aimed at everyone so it won’t be full of scientific jargon and complicated neurology. The aim of the book is to provide you with simple ‘do it at home’ exercises and ideas to get out of pain. […]